What Floor is Best for Pigs

What Livestock Flooring is Best for Pigs? Flooring is one of the most important decisions that you’ll need to make for your pig farm. Whether you’re looking for flooring for your farrowing or nursing barn you want to make a flooring decision that is affordable, long-lasting, and will result in healthy pigs and happy employees.…


Benefits of Dura Trac Flooring

Benefits of ADA Enterprises’ Dura Trac Flooring Dura Trac raised animal flooring is a durable, low-maintenance flooring product for livestock. It consists of steel mesh that has been coated in polyvinyl (plastisol) and has been a game-changer in animal flooring manufacturing. There are plenty of benefits to using Dura Trac flooring, and at ADA Enterprises,…

farrowing floors, barn construction

Farrowing Barns

 New Build or Remodel? Let our design and installation ideas work for you!  Whether you are thinking about building new, or want to remodel your existing farrowing operation, here are some thoughts you may want to consider about farrowing barns.  Renovations  There is no reason farrowing barn modifications need to force you to miss weeks…

piglets on Dura Trac flooring

Electrical Safety in the Hog Barn

Electrical Safety in the Hog Barn   Safety has been a hot topic for as long as we can remember.  Electrical safeguards should always be monitored. Damaged cords, faulty wiring, and stray voltage combined with wet floors and any metal inside the room makes for a dangerous, and sometimes deadly, combination. Electrocutions in the swine barn…
