Dura Trac Swine Flooring systems are manufactured to customer specifications. We will manufacture to the exact size you need. As a result, installation is quick and easy. However, standard designs are also available. Standard designs allow for easy planning for producers raising show pigs.
Our flooring is designed to allow for easy cleaning. Because they are easy to clean, bacteria buildup is virtually eliminated. Most of the fecal matter will fall through to the floor below.
Best of all, plastisol-coated floors keep your animals warm, dry, and comfortable by their very nature. These conditions reduce animal stress, promote animal health, and increase weaning weights. Ultimately, the profitability of your business will increase.
About Our Raised Flooring
Dura Trac floors are made of structurally sound metal and then completely plastisol coated. Rust won’t be an issue due to this coating because there is no exposed metal.
Clearspan floors are self-supported whereas Original floors are built to use existing supports. Both styles are designed for easy cleaning and traction. Because of this, floor related illnesses and injuries are reduced. Therefore, pigs reach market weight sooner.
Our basic farrowing unit design consists of a Clearspan farrowing floor with removable Dura Trac welded rod sow section and Dura Saver feed saver. Additionally, Dura Trac Original style flooring, using your existing supports, is great for both new construction and replacement floors.
Dura Trac Clearspan Creep Side flooring will keep piglets warm and dry while a durable cast iron center keeps the sow cool and more comfortable. In addition, convenient options are available to modify the Clearspan Creep Side floor to meet your needs and size requirements. This includes heat plates, solid plates, and mounting tabs to name a few.