Dura Trac Clearspan & Original Raised Calf Flooring

  • Aids in traction which in turn reduces floor related injuries
  • Easily allows for labor efficient modern cleaning methods
  • Resists rust and corrosion
  • Not only durable, but also comfortable
  • Reduces stress on the animal
  • Built with prime steel and completely covered with a thick coating of polyvinyl

Raised Flooring Products

No additional support is necessary when using Dura Trac Clearspan flooring. The Clearspan style is manufactured to be completely self-supported. The expanded metal or woven wire is welded onto the frame prior to applying the plastisol coating, therefore no steel is exposed on the finished product.

Dura Trac Original calf floors are made to use with existing support frames. For this reason, Dura Trac Original calf floors not only work great for new buildings but also for replacement flooring in your existing buildings. As with all our floors, the Original style is 100% plastisol coated so there is no exposed steel. *Proper support for the Original Calf flooring is extremely important. Supports must run laterally across the short way of the openings. The minimum requirement for support under calf floors is 14 inches apart.

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No Exposed Steel – Perfect for Veal Calves

Not only is traction increased with the Dura Trac floor, but floor related injuries are decreased. As a result, the newborn calves stay healthy and safe. Choose from Dura Trac Clearspan and Original flooring. Both styles are available in woven wire or expanded metal. In addition to durability, Dura Trac calf flooring is easily cleaned using modern labor efficient methods.

Dura Trac calf flooring is designed with attention to the needs of newly weaned calves, replacement heifers, and veal calves. The raised floors can be built to fit virtually any pen or stall. A thick layer of plastisol coats the metal surface of the entire floor. This results in not only a long-lasting floor but also a floor that won’t rust. There is no exposed metal. For this reason, Dura Trac calf flooring is ideal for kosher veal calves. Animals stay healthier plus stress is reduced by clean and dry conditions. Calves on our flooring stay so clean that we have had customers request verification that calves in our photos were not photoshopped!

Elevated Flooring Options

Dura Trac expanded metal and woven wire Calf Flooring are completely coated with polyvinyl so that calves have no access to bare steel.

sample of calf expanded metal flooring
Expanded Metal
woven wire sample
Woven Wire

Learn more about Dura Trac Calf Flooring, and how they work to your benefit! Call us today or shop now by clicking the link below.

ADA Enterprises, Inc. has lead the industry in polyvinyl coated animal flooring since 1974.

Need a Custom Layout?

  • Aids in traction which also reduces floor related injuries
  • Easily allows for modern cleaning methods
  • Resists rust and corrosion
  • Not only durable, but also comfortable
  • Reduces stress on the animal
  • Built with prime steel and completely covered with a thick coating of polyvinyl
